Growth through
innovation, and data-driven insights.
With a business major and a psychology minor, I view marketing as a dynamic field where data science, creativity, and understanding of human behavior intersect.
Throughout my career, I have focused on developing expertise across the entire marketing ecosystem to create data-driven, immersive, and measurable campaigns that resonate with people. My goal is to ensure that every element works together seamlessly. I am excited to continue pushing the boundaries by blending creativity, data, and technology to drive real impact
Lean on experience, but don’t let it hinder your creativity.
Value opinions, trust the data.
Behind every decision-maker in the B2B space is also a consumer, and vice versa.
Experimenting is a marketing necessity, and compliance is the only failure.
agency work
Cultivating strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, and people management skills for 12 years in the agency environment, juggling the B2B, DTC, and eCommerce disciplines.
in-house work
6 years deepening brand immersion and cross-functional alignment to develop a nuanced understanding of long-term marketing objectives and how the function integrates with broader business objectives.